Sunday 21 September 2014

The Spectacular Now

Rating: ****

Having originally dismissed this film as 'just another love story' I decided to watch it on the basis that Shailene and Miles Teller looked good together because thoughtful, meaningful decisions come naturally to me. I wasn't sure what to expect and was confronted with the rare feeling that the movie was far more intellectual than I had originally thought. However, I do feel that in the story was far too dependent on chance as so many movies are and Aimee (who spells it like that?!) unfortunately slipped into the 'my world revolves around my boyfriend' category which I fear may have come from watching 'Highschool musical 3' too many times. 

The movie certainly hit home with the theme of decisions and the future, riding up to meet us all like running towards the edge of a very very tall cliff. Although coming from somewhere where decisions are made for us and not working isn't really an option I'm convinced that a small bit of Sutter in everyone wouldn't hurt, that warm and youthful mayhem shouldn't be stomped out of our adolescence so completely. 

Other than that Miles and Shailene deliver an utterly spectacular (wahey) performance worthy of goosebumps and tears.

Saturday 5 July 2014

The Purge

GUEST WRITER *EHEM* ELLA WITTS.  Ok yes it's because I don't watch horror. Pls explain to me why you want to not be able to sleep at night.

Rating: **

Soooo I don’t really know what to think. I feel like this film should’ve been good because the whole concept is original and exciting….but it just wasn’t. Maybe that’s because I felt that the plot was based on some dodgy possibilities… Like why does everyone suddenly turn into ruthless killers?!? Come on – those villain people in masks are like possessed. And of course the saviours managed to turn up at the exact right time on several occasions.
Also so many horror film clichés were used which kinda ruined this film for me. The creaky door, the abandoned swing, the creepy childish tunes…
I’m gonna be honest… this film really annoyed me. Especially Charlie – possibly the most frustrating character of all time. Most of the plot was based on his stupid actions, like letting that homeless guy in in the first place.
But… I’ve got to admit that I was on the edge of my seat for much of the film, and Rhys Wakefield was really well cast as the main villain. And I fell in love with the homeless guy in the end, even though I was screaming for the parents to sacrifice him before that.

Sunday 29 June 2014

The Lego Movie

Rating: ****

This review may or may not be slightly biased as most of my childhood centered around making my own lego town.
Anyways, do not disregard this movie as simply a movie to entertain children as I watched it with my 20 year old brother who thoroughly enjoyed it. I will say that you MUST watch it in HD because the detail is the best part of this movie. Seriously though .. you can see fingerprints on the pieces.
It also has a legendary cast including batman, wonder woman, green lantern etc and is funny in the most ridiculous way.
It even seems to tackle the issue of society's rules and regulations to a degree with Emmets fictional world strangely alike the real world. His $37 dollar coffee in the morning almost seems as ridiculous as the 4 pounds it takes to buy a real hot chocolate these days.
In conclusion,
it's not a movie that pulls on the heart strings or even gets you to think about life but it will make you want to buy a shitload of lego. And what else really matters?

Thursday 12 June 2014



This is one of my favourite movies. It's beautifully done and informative with a great insight into the conditions that we keep wild orcas in. It's done in a way that doesn't force the opinion that caging these animals are wrong but points out the things we need to change.
It specifically looks at the upbringing of Tilikum, the killer whale that killed Dawn Brancheau who is still the largest male living in captivity.
After watching this movie I am of the opinion that trainers do develop an affection for their orcas and their orcas may or may not reciprocate that but what became increasingly apparent was that the people behind the trading of the whales do not understand what they are dealing with. They don't realise that these animals are capable of emotions that equal ours or that mental stimulation with toys or trainers isn't enough for an animal capable of complex communication.
It wasn't their care that appalled me but the lack of empathy that we so called "empathetic creatures" treated them with.
You owe it to them to watch this film if you've ever been to sea world, you really do.

Free Tillikum petiton

Sunday 4 May 2014

Thor: The Dark World

Rating: ***

Unfortunately there wasn't as much of a comedic relationship between Thor and the mortal world in this one with most events happening in Asgard or somewhere..
It was another one of those 'save the world movies' that I had subconsciously cast as boringly predictable half way through. But at that point I didn't realize how wrong I was with the biggest plot twist (possibly ever) leaving me pretty stunned and now I don't really know what happened in the movie tbh.
Also can we please stop with the 'can I trust Loki' story lines they leave everyone distraught when he inevitably betrays everyone he can.

Thursday 10 April 2014


Rating: ***

Where do I start. Apparently the whole teen population has unanimously decided that they love this film so I rounded the rating up from 2.5 to 3 stars because I don't want to be murdered in my sleep. It just wasn't that good. Please watch it though I don't want you to be excluded from your group of friends.
Also can I just rant about how the animators seem to have gone out of their way to create characters who's beauty is completely unattainable, mainly because LOOK AT THE PROPORTIONS OF THEIR FACES.

Captain America: The winter soldier

Rating: ****

The first half of this movie was mostly 'look at my how many things my shield can smash through'. Fair enough, it was pretty impressive. If you like explosions and guns etc then go see this movie. It was actually fairly funny with Anthony Mackie and Chis Evans providing most of the comic relief.
It did, however, get some stick for presenting black widow as more of a sexual object but I thought that Scarlett Johansen made it pretty clear that no men in this movie were in charge. ALSO I CAN'T SAY THAT I LOVE HER BECAUSE SHE'S A STRONG FEMALE CHARACTER BECAUSE APPARENTLY THAT'S AGAINST FEMINISM BUT I DO so..
(If you're only going for Chris Evans' torso then watch the first one which incidentally has a better plot).
p.s Sam Wilson is pretty awesome but stop mentioning that he's black. Literally just stop.

Sunday 16 March 2014

Magic Mike

Rating: Depends what ur lookin' for

Anyone who tells you that this movie has any plot whatsoever is lying to you as well as themselves. But literally who cares.
The only negative thing that came of this movie is that every time I hear 'Like a virgin' I imagine Alex Pettyfer stripping and I'm not even sure that's a bad thing.

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

Rating: ***

Not as good as the first one unfortunately. It was a lot to live up to though and there was a dragon (Benedict Cumberbatch's voice) so it was still worth watching. There just wasn't as much spectacular scenery and too much of the plot was different from the book and THERE WERENT ANY SONGS. The elves also managed to take unrealistic to a whole new level.
The end of the movie was an unbelievably good cliffhanger with Ed Sheeran's 'I see fire' which was enough to save this movie.

Sunday 9 March 2014

Monsters University

 Rating: ****

Completely underrated. Of course it isn't as good as the first but most sequels aren't. I actually found it a lot funnier than I thought I would and it was nice to see a back story for Randall who was actually pretty adorable to start. Thinking about it it kind of reminds me of a much better version of 'House Bunny' without the sexism or the cheese.

Wednesday 5 March 2014


Rating: **

Seriously though how many flaws can you find in this movie. Basically time travel crime is illogical goodbye.


About time

Rating: ****

This is the ultimate feel good movie. It was just so.. NICE and beautiful and happy. But it does have its fair share of tragedy and romance. It doesn't try to over-complicate time travel *ehem* Looper so its nice and easy to follow but not boring although it does include some rather cliche time travel story lines.
The fact that the main man is not dashingly handsome is nothing less than refreshing and the insecure Rachel McAdams is completely relatable.

Monday 3 March 2014

The Avengers

Rating: ****

This film was definitely better than I expected it and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It is probably most famous for its Loki vs Hulk scene and rightfully so as there is nothing much better than seeing a smart arse being repeatedly smashed into the floor. I just remember being SO happy that someone had decided to combine all these heroes but something about Thor and Tony Stark (a scientist) being in the same room is quite uncomfortable. Also c'mon Marvel try to make the Hulk's individual story a little less predictable. BUT I LOVED IT HOW CAN YOU NOT ITS ALL YOUR FAVOURITE SUPERHEROES IN ONE  ACTION FILLED MOVIE.

Saturday 1 March 2014

The Lovely Bones

Rating: ****

Overwhelmingly creepy with a bucketload of suspense. Bring a spare pair of pants and some tissues. It stayed as true to the book as I would have liked and made a fictional murder come to life in a way that you will never get over. Also full credit to Stanley Tucci (as Mr Harvey) for managing to make me feel absolutely terrified of any stranger that now approaches me. All in all an adorable thriller which will make you question whether the dead are really dead.

Thursday 27 February 2014

Mean Girls

Rating: ****

If you haven't watched this movie then in the nicest way possible what are you doing with your life..? You may even understand all those mean girls quotes that you didn't even realise came up in everyday life. If you have seen it, watch it again. It's still as good as it was NINE years ago and if you've only just become a preteen then this is your coming of age movie. It'll probably also be your first look at Lindsay Lohan sane.


Tuesday 25 February 2014

The Artist

Rating: *

Without a doubt THE most overrated film of all time. With all the fuss surrounding it you may have thought that this was a good movie but you were wrong. If you want to watch a silent movie then may I suggest that you watch one made when silent movies were fashionable. I didn't make it halfway through. The dog isn't even in it that much.

Monday 24 February 2014

21 & over

Rating: ****

idek why I just found this movie hilarious. I watched it a while ago but would definitely recommend it to watch with your friends for a laugh. I remember seeing all the criticism it got for being so similar to The Hangover and for over doing the asian stereotype of strict parents but I didn't even care. watch it if your sad or bored or need something weird to watch.

The Hobbit: an unexpected journey

Rating: ****

I loved this film and so did most people I know but it is a hefty 182 minutes. I would DEFINITELY recommend it to anyone who enjoyed the Lord of The Rings but I wouldn't watch it if you didn't. I don't really have anything bad to say about it apart from the DVD I watched wasn't the extended version that I first watched online (I watched it twice ok) that included a song sung by the goblins that pretty much MADE the movie. Martin Freeman is just amazing and adorable as Bilbo I can't even stress this enough. Although it is quite hard to imagine him and older Bilbo to be the same person. If you were worried about whether the characters would be able to look younger than in TLOTR you have nothing at all to be worried about, they do such a great job.

If you have no other reason to watch the movie apart from the stunning visual effects then MARTIN FREEMAN.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Rise of the planet of the Apes (2011)

Rating: ***

Honestly a bit of a let down. The plot just isn't that great which was a shame because I thought that Andy Serkis was great as Caeser (and gollum). However, if you're into lots of action and a fair amount of death then you're in for a treat.