TV series


Rating: ****

Last night I was busy delving into episode 8/9 of 'Suits' after completing the first 7 in two days. It is a TV show that displays everything that is wrong with the world through the neatly packaged Harvey and Mike, the top peacocks of the world of law. Mike is an attempt to humanise the profession with his only good quality being that he sometimes sympathises with clients i.e he is not a completely horrific human being. What a guy. Oh, and he also has a photographic memory. A trait that conveniently helps to wrap up most of the story-lines in the series in a 45 minute slot.  I will compliment the show on its lack of explicit sex scenes usually used to draw in an audience in 2015. Having said that, I am clearly thoroughly addicted to its combination of long lawyer words and well timed comedic moments alongside the assurance that everything will be okay in the end because well, Harvey Specter.

The Office (USA) 

Rating: ****

The first series is the same as the UK 'The Office' but takes a much more uplifting turn to satisfy the American audiences' softer hearts. Despite the Martin Freeman shaped hole left, It is a just as well made mockumentary which also takes full advantage of the aside glance that makes you feel superior as the 'in the know' viewer (yay).
Steve Carell plays a hilariously irratating boss with an overly enthusiastic side kick aka Dwight and John Krasinski plays the employee in love with an engaged woman and bored with his job. So, well worth a watch although that could just be because I am a sucker for 'will they, won't they' love plots and idiots making complete fools of themselves.
I will finish with some wise words from Dwight:

Parks and Recreation 

Rating: ****

The show that all Chris Pratt fans are all too familiar with and a seven seasons and counting long cameo of 'the cool Mum' in 'Mean Girls' (u rok Amy Poehler). 

The show starts with a mockumentary style filming of the Parks and Recreation department in the small American town in Pawnee which is impressively ranked second in the USA for the number obesity cases. Push through the boring name and the fact that it looks like a day in the life of an office job and I swear you will love it. It's consistently funny and the cast is a rare blend of the perfect personalities to bounce off one another. 

p.s I strongly believe that Aubrey Plaza alone is behind the 'hating everything makes you cool' movement and for that I am distinctly grateful. 

Orange Is the New Black

Rating: ****

Despite a title sequence that seems to rival the length of an episode of Game of Thrones this show is actually pretty decent. 
The show although full of humour has a dark side with the correctional officers showing a startlingly believable lack of care for the inmates. Prison seems to be a genius way of forcing strong characters to mix with completely unpredictable consequences (kudos to producers for taking advantage of this). It also allows each individual's back story to be completely different keeping the show fresh every episode and viewers wanting more. You'll come for the good reviews and stay for Matt Mcgorry, the cutest and arguably the most idiotic correctional officer ever. 

Made in Chelsea 

Rating: ***

Sometimes, i'm embarrassed to be English.
But still, I watch it every week along with the rest of the UKs teenage girl population.
No one is sure what is real and what isn't but at the same time no one really cares. There are more awkward pauses than content and the show struggles to pull together story lines as the 'characters' 'sleep around' until there's no one left to sleep with.
All in all, the most interesting boring show i've seen.

Grey's anatomy

Rating: *****

Meet the worlds unluckiest bunch of people. Unfortunately, they happen to be interns at a hospital.
I would recommend for anyone who doesn't want a life outside of watching a screen because this is one of the best series' I've ever seen. It'll make you cry and laugh and cry again as you watch all the people you've grown to love die of rarely occurring diseases. As the program progresses the frequency of these illnesses is slightly ridiculous but you'll accept it as real anyways.
Good luck.

warning: severe emotional whiplash. (how can it be so funny when so many people are dying?!)

Game Of Thrones 

Rating: **** 

The ultimate fantasy. Gore, fantasy sex and war with a dash of dragons. I only recommend this to people who are willing to sit through pretty disturbing stuff as the producers do not hold back anything. Like, anything.
I can almost guarantee that if you get through the first season you are stuck for life and will attempt to passionately cling to characters which will most likely die in the next episode. 
so, perfect family fun.
(that was a JOKE. DON'T watch this with your parents *formal warning*) 

Accurate summary of all four seasons: 

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