Thursday 10 April 2014


Rating: ***

Where do I start. Apparently the whole teen population has unanimously decided that they love this film so I rounded the rating up from 2.5 to 3 stars because I don't want to be murdered in my sleep. It just wasn't that good. Please watch it though I don't want you to be excluded from your group of friends.
Also can I just rant about how the animators seem to have gone out of their way to create characters who's beauty is completely unattainable, mainly because LOOK AT THE PROPORTIONS OF THEIR FACES.

Captain America: The winter soldier

Rating: ****

The first half of this movie was mostly 'look at my how many things my shield can smash through'. Fair enough, it was pretty impressive. If you like explosions and guns etc then go see this movie. It was actually fairly funny with Anthony Mackie and Chis Evans providing most of the comic relief.
It did, however, get some stick for presenting black widow as more of a sexual object but I thought that Scarlett Johansen made it pretty clear that no men in this movie were in charge. ALSO I CAN'T SAY THAT I LOVE HER BECAUSE SHE'S A STRONG FEMALE CHARACTER BECAUSE APPARENTLY THAT'S AGAINST FEMINISM BUT I DO so..
(If you're only going for Chris Evans' torso then watch the first one which incidentally has a better plot).
p.s Sam Wilson is pretty awesome but stop mentioning that he's black. Literally just stop.