Saturday 3 January 2015


Rating: *****

After hearing teenage girls hanker on for months about the supposed God that was Leonardo De Caprio I just had to witness it for myself.
This was the first time that I had ever seen titanic (stop judging) and I was pleasantly surprised to say the least. The plot is not only about the overly talked about Jack and Rose, instead the director uses their chemistry to draw us in as viewers and to distract us from the well-known impending doom, to spare our feelings for a good 2 hours before soul crushingly sinking a titanic ship along with killing all the passengers on board. Well played James Cameron. Well played. 
I can think of no better way to demonstrate the absolute monstrosity that was the Titanic ship with its arrogance and ignorance on display in this movie that sounds too long but doesn't feel too long.
However, although I can confirm that younger Leo is not difficult to look at Kate Winslet is in my opinion is about 10x more good looking. However, you are almost guaranteed to come running after/during your 'Titanic' viewing (as I did) screaming that Rose is not only stupid but also a selfish whore. 
'Titanic' for once deserves the credit it has been given so do watch it and try to have fun as you cry tears of frustration and attempt to yank hair from your scalp in shear disbelief at the stupidity of humankind. There's also some romance or whatever.